Great links and advice, though I don't totally agree with you. In fact, I stick with hand-drawn maps because my gimp-fu is not good enough. It's also easier to work with paper in terms of mobility (though with my EEE pc, Gimp is available everywhere). I'm also making a difference between technical maps (my choice, it's easier, and I tend to make multiple geographic and politic markings on my maps) and artistic maps (with artistic drawings imbedded, more oriented towards aesthetic goals than geographical ones).
Yes, I think the problem is there : I prefer technical maps, even if ugly. I'm not criticizing at all (I'm drooling every time I visit the forums), but the main bulk on maps is more oriented towards "eyecandy", at the expense of readability and realistic coherence.
Nevertheless, I will continue to rejoice at seeing such wonderful maps the community creates and shows off everyday.