Quote Originally Posted by jfrazierjr View Post
With that said, since the entire contest is focused on rivers, I will be voting based on that as the criteria. Those who have a river going through a large portion of a square will have much better chance at getting my vote than those where a river trimmed a corner. Likewise, those who added lakes that filled up most of a square will not be in as high a positional as those who used the map area to create rivers and river valleys. Again, that's just my interpretation of the rules.
I will admit that my map didn't quite follow the rules with respect to the challenge's rivers (as well as two or three squares that only had a skirting river), but given that the program I was working with didn't like to follow the rivers I gave it there was little I could do. It'll be something I mess around with for a while: getting a particular outline to have realistic mountain ranges and set rivers.

Dwarf Fortress also does lakes differently. Elevations that are below 100 (on a 0 to 400 scale) are below water and are "oceans." So it's impossible to create a mountain lake, such as the one in the middle of our source land appears to be.